VENUS TEARS 是一间来自日本的珠宝行, 在这里你可以定做属于你自己的独特的婚戒,每个人都应该拥有一枚属于自己的独一无二的婚戒 。
婚戒对每个人的意义非凡, 今天我们要介绍的婚戒来自Grace O’malley, 这个源自欧洲中世纪的著名的女海盗象征着新加坡的新女性,充满活力和独立自主的生活态度,这对婚戒是由K18的玫瑰金打造的,在华丽的表面镶嵌了一排的白色钻石,中间镂空的设计的戴在手上及凸显了华丽有修饰我们的手更显得修长。中间的蓝钻石更起到了画龙点睛的作用。
简约大方的男戒是永不过时的主题,这只男戒也用的同样的镂空的设计,和女戒形成完美的搭配, 这种款式无论单独佩戴还是搭配钻石戒指一起佩戴,可以带给我们不同的感受。

Click to make an appointment with us and you will be entitled to a $40 voucher which can be used to offset your total bill!
Although it is best to pre-book appointments to avoid disappoinment, we do accept walk-in guests and we will try our best to attend to you.
Hope to see you soon! Have a great week ahead!
VENUS TEARS is a Cosmopolitan Bridal Jewelry Brand from Japan. We have a variety of engagement rings and wedding bands. We also offer GIA certified/high quality diamonds at overwhelmingly affordable prices. To make a reservation, please click on the tab “RESERVE” and select the outlet you wish to visit; JEM, Tampines or Bugis. Please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to seeing you!