VENUS TEARS online store is now available!
We are so happy to announce that our popular rings are able to purchase from our online store!
You can start your wedding journey with us through online today.
For the items that are not listed online store, please visit our website and inquire here or through WhatsApp! https://venus-tears-sg.myshopify.com/https://venus-tears.sg/
WhatsApp +65 8553 8363 Visit VENUS TEARS soon to check out our gorgeous and unique Engagement Rings or Wedding Bands Collections!
Each and every of our ring is crafted to your finger ring size, with desired material and specially made in JAPAN just for you.
Check out our website : https://venus-tears.sg/reserve
Staff Blog : https://venus-tears.sg/blog/
Follow us on Instagram : https://instagram.com/venustears/