Engagement Ring & Wedding Band - VENUS TEARS - Wedding Bands / Engagement Ring


Engagement Ring & Wedding Band


Engagement Ring & Wedding band

Venus tears provide a lot of wedding band and engagement ring to every customer, we also doing different material as well.

Eg. Platinum, White Gold, Pink Gold and Rose Gold. But we have 2 series is Honey Yellow Gold material. Is very unique and smooth material, easier to match all the skin tone. Below Picture is venus tears customer do Honey Yellow Gold wedding band.




P560 series & KATAMU wedding band KT-09/KT-04










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whatsapp +65 85538363 for more information.
Visit VENUS TEARS to discover our gorgeous engagement & wedding ring collections!
Each and every ring is crafted to your finger size, desired material and specially made in JAPAN just for you.

Click to make an appointment with us and you will be entitled to a $40 voucher which can be used to offset your total bill!
Although it is best to pre-book appointments to avoid disappointments, we do accept walk-in guests and we will try our best to attend to you.
Hope to see you soon!

VENUS TEARS is a Cosmopolitan Bridal Jewelry Brand from Japan. We have a variety of engagement rings and wedding bands. We also offer GIA certified/high quality diamonds at overwhelmingly affordable prices. To make a reservation, please click on the tab “RESERVE” and select the outlet you wish to visit: Tampines 1, Jem or Bugis. Please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to seeing you!


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