Diamonds are distinguished according to the principle of the four C’s (Cut, Carat, Colour and Clarity). The “Cut” refers to the shape of the diamond. The diamonds are cut into different shapes according to the shape of the originally mined rough stone in order to maximise the weight recovery. Some of the best-known example are Round Brilliant.
At this point it should be noted that the shape of a diamond can also be referred to as its “cut”, like a round or princess cut. However, this should not be confused with the more commonly used term of diamond cut, which describes how well the diamond has been polished from the raw material.
The “Carat” refers to the weight of the diamond and NOT the size. Each weight has a preferred set of proportions which optimises the beauty and fire of the diamond. This is discussed in more depth later in the article.
The “Colour” is represented by a letter of the alphabet which describes different ranges of colour from D (Colourless) to Q/R (Tinted yellow). You will then get Yellow Cape and Fancy Yellow. The rarest are the colourless and fancy colours (Blue, Pink, Red).
The “Clarity” refers to the amount of imperfections or simply blemishes present in the diamond. The clarity range includes internally flawless (IF), Very Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2), Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2), Slightly Included (SI1, SI2 and SI3) and Included (I1, I2 and I3). The “IF” will have zero internal inclusions, the “VVS” stones will have minute inclusion that are very difficult to spot under magnification, the “VS” stones will have small inclusions that are difficult to spot under magnification, the “SI”(slightly included) stones have inclusions that can be relatively easily seen under magnification but usually undetectable with the naked eye and finally, the “Included”(I1,I2and I3) stones are those with inclusions that can be seen with the naked eye.
The 4Cs are globally recognised as the accepted standard for grading diamonds. The problem arises where sellers manipulate the qualifying rarity to sell diamonds at a higher price. This is not to say that every diamond is sold under false pretences but naturally, when dealing with products of this value and nature, it is highly important to trust the dealer and to make sure that he or she is reputable.
Another important aspect is certification. When buying a diamond over 0.30 Carats, the buyer should be encourage on purchasing a GIA certified diamond(Gemological Institute of America). This certificate will confirm the features of the diamond so that the buyer is in actual fact getting what he or she is paying for.
In VENUS TEARS, we let our customers truly understand a diamond’s unique qualities, you must look beyond the 4 Cs and discover that Pièce de résistance and last but not least, our current promotion include 50% discount off of many GIA certified rings and necklace!