In the celebration of Singapore 55th Birthday, VENUS TEARS is offering a complimentary Inner Gem for every pair of marriage rings or an engagement ring purchased. This applies to all collections available in VENUS TEARS.
We are offering 12 different types of inner gemstones for your selection. These gemstones comes in different color and meanings.
This limited promotion is valid from 1st to 10th August 2020. So do hurry down to any VENUS TEARS Bridal outlets to check it out.
All VENUS TEARS bridal concept stores are located at Bugis Junction, Wisma Atria, Tampines 1, Jem, just a walking distance of about 5 minutes walk from Bugis MRT, Orchard MRT, Tampines MRT and Jurong East MRT.
Check out our website : https://venus-tears.sg/reserve
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